Customizations and design gifts for everyone

About iCrystal

Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfolded in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it.

Walter Russell

ICrystal is a story of personal growth and discovery. One might say it's the story of every human on the planet. Questions about self, who am I, what is my purpose, how do I fit into the universe? Questions every single human asks themselves at some point in their lives.

Emily Maroutian says “ You’re Not Stuck! You're just committed to certain patterns of behavior because they helped you in the past. Now those behaviors have become more harmful than helpful. The reason why you can't move forward is because you keep applying an old formula to a new level in your life.

Change the formula to get a different result!

That’s exactly what we did…we changed the formula and created a new one: Icrystology. We designed a way for people to discover themselves in a unique way. A picture of self with purpose!

It's started on Jan 24 2020 after a life-changing event. During the study of astrology, frequency, and crystals. On Feb 17 we first looked into frequency and the possibility of how crystals and the zodiac could impact the energy of people’s lives. Then the concept of cymatics is a model of the vibrational phenomenon by Hans Jenny to the similarities of the Unique attributes of each zodiac house and sign.

On March 1 we began to consider the principles of social Alchemy (after reading and watching Dr. Theresa Bullards work on the subject), the zodiac, and frequency. Realizing that polarity, rhythm and frequency could create a bridge to understanding the unique personalities and characteristics of each person.

The next step was to consider crystals and their relationship to vibration and energy if worn by people. We then decided to start the process of figuring out the frequency of each plant and corresponding Crystal. Does the warring of crystals allow the body to regulate itself and moods?

On March 15 we began the research into the systematic process of planetary patterns, frequency, and rhythm and their effect on the water crystals in the brain. Why do so many people have the same patterns born during particular times in the universe?

Unless the universe is projecting a frequency that creates patterns in all created beings during this time.

"Crystals in the human body" building blocks to knowing yourself and those around you.

On Feb 9 we began the process to build the first natal chart iCrystal bracelet based on the research and data collected. On March 6 the first prototype bracelet was finished. The process was much more complex than we ever thought as we had to source hundreds of crystals from all over the planet. Each one is distinct in its ability and vital to the balance of each person’s energies and their unique makeup.

The first accurate bracelet was completed on March 21, 2020! One in 7 trillion combinations. What we unveiled was one of the most beautiful transformational pieces of living art we had ever seen. A bracelet created for only one person in the universe filled with color, polarity, Rhythm, and a personal story that changes one’s life. Discover of self, your place seen in a beautiful picture of Self.

We then began the development of the astrolab! A laboratory of sorts! Where we have developed a cosmic calculator to reveal to its users their unique story seen in the form of crystals aligned to balance your energies and your zodiac to reveal your personality and cosmic story.

This is only the beginning of what have learned and what we have planned to reveal in the future. Come join us on a journey of self discovery as enter the Astro lab.

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